Your dentist may recommend a dental crown if you have a cracked tooth where large fillings can’t resolve the issue. Dental crowns are a cap that protects the tooth and provides a brand new tooth in the right shape and color. When done correctly and with the proper dental care, they’re a great option for restoring your smile.
Suppose you’re considering dental crowns as your restorative dentistry procedure. In that case, you’ll want to know exactly what they are and what they’re made of, why they’re a good option for discolored or cracked teeth, and how the procedure works from the initial visit to the installation. Let’s take a look at the dental crowns explained:
What Are Dental Crowns?
Dental crowns are tooth-shaped “caps” that are placed over the tooth. The crown restores the prepared tooth’s shape, size, strength, and appearance. The dental crown is cemented into place on your tooth, and it covers the visible portion of the tooth. The crowns are either made of metal, porcelain, or porcelain fused to metal, ceramic, or resin.
Why Choose Dental Crowns?
There are many different reasons for choosing dental crowns as a restorative option. Crowns can be used to cover a misshapen or discolored tooth, or they can be used after other procedures such as root canals, holding a dental bridge in place, or covering a dental implant. Depending on the situation of your teeth, you can have temporary crowns or permanent crowns.
How Does the Procedure Work?
During your first visit with Dr. Z, the tooth will be examined for any risk of infection and then prepared for the dental crown procedure. An x-ray of the tooth and your bone structure will be taken, and then the tooth will be filed down to make space for the crown. After reshaping, impressions of the teeth will be made to ensure comfort when biting down.
Your tooth impression will then be sent to a lab to make the crown in the correct color and shape. The crown will be installed during your second visit, where your dentist will remove the temporary crown. Once the crown’s color, size, and shape are confirmed as a good match, your new tooth will be ready to go!
Creating a New Smile with Dental Crowns
Now that dental crowns are explained, and you know how they work, it’s time to schedule your visit with Z Dentistry! Dr. Z will go over the procedure with you and carefully examine your tooth structure to ensure you’re a good fit for dental crowns. You’ll also discuss dental insurance options and have a dental care plan in place for the health of your teeth.
Connect with us to learn more about restorative dentistry options and dental crowns!